In the modifications file with Yerk, I had a rather obscure reference to the install procedure. Here is a rewritten paragraph. Install now works well. You have to think about how the application is going to work as opposed to how it worked as a development environment. Eliminate all opennr calls (I patch the old ones [to null]), use menus in resources (see the folder supplied with Yerk sources Ômenus in resourceÕ, don't read in a path file, and get rid of some of the unnecessary words in your development startup word. Then run the install module, setting the various words appropriately. Certain modules will load as Code resources, and you may delete those you don't need with ResEdit. Add any other resources you need from the development resource files, and you are ready to go. The key is to think of how a real application will work as opposed to the development document. Taking the original startup word, yerk, from the frontend source (with line numbers): \ system startup word 1 : yerk 2 sysInit \ Initialize nucleus objects - fFcb, fEvent, fpRect, fWind 3 " fpInit" sFind IF drop cfa execute THEN \ Initialize FP system 4 0 ?event drop abs: fWind call BeginUpdate 5 getVrect: fWind 14 + put: tempRect update: tempRect 6 abs: fWind call EndUpdate 7 initNewWindow: fwind show: fwind 8 <[ 2 ]> 'cfas enfW disfW setAct: fWind \ fWind activate activities 9 OpenNR 10 new: imageName new: parmStr 11 nPath 12 nMenu \ get Yerk menu bar 13 initProcs \ loads a5,a3 into all :proc words 14 myDoc 2dup put: imageName title: fWind \ fWind title bar 15 ?yerkFlgs release ; 16 17 'c yerk -> objInit Here are the changes I would make: 1. eliminate line 2, since sysinit has already done its job and the application will store the nucleus as it is. 2. if you use floating point, substitue line 3 with "fpInit"..just execute it, since you know it's there. 3. Drop the update stuff in lines 4-6 (doesn't hurt to leave them in, just unecessary) 4. eliminate lines 7-8 for the same reason as point 1. 5. Really eliminate line 9, since your resource file is now the resource fork of the application. If your program has references to openNr, or your own word to open your development resource file, patch them as: patch openNr null path MyRsrcOpen null I use resedit to copy all resources I need in an application to the rsrc fork. This can mean the STR rsrcs from Yerk.rsrc also. 6. Eliminate line 11, unless you want to include the npath.txt file in the yerk folder and have the yerk folder around..If you distribute the application, you don't want to do this. In fact, a path file for an application is unnecessary. The user will always use the std file dialogs. 7. Redefine 'nmenu' in line 12 to read menus from your application's resources. For an application, you should include your menues as rsrcs. (See the example in the folder Ômenus in resourceÕ). However, to test the install, you could leave 'nmenu' alone as long as the new application resides in the yerk folder. 8. eliminate line 14 since there is no longer a document. The name of the fwind is in the rsrc file. So, the resultant startup word should look like: \ system startup word 1 : yerk 2 3 fpInit 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 new: imageName new: parmStr 11 12 myMenuWord \ get your menu bar 13 initProcs \ loads a5,a3 into all :proc words 14 15 ?yerkFlgs release ; 16 17 'c yerk -> objInit ----------------------- The install module is modified so that you may select those modules you want installed within your application. You may want some standard Yerk ones, your own, or none at all.